Thursday, 31 October 2013

Enable and disable Desktop viewer for XenDesktop

When you lunch desktop you will get desktop viewer . This allows you to minimize XenDesktop hosted desktop an use regular desktop. This can be disable or enabled.

By default it will be enabled . To enable it look for default.ica in a folder used by desktop WI on a WI server. Edit that file and check for the value
Also there a webinterface.conf and you will find a setting  “ShowDesktopViewer” .This should be set to “=On”
Following combination work for DesktopViwer on WI

ConnectionBar=0 & ShowDesktopViewer=On - XD task bar is not showing
ConnectionBar=1 & ShowDesktopViewer=On - XD task bar is showing
ConnectionBar=0 & ShowDesktopViewer=Off - XD task bar is not showing
ConnectionBar=1 & ShowDesktopViewer=Off - XD task bar is showing

Change Web Interface setting to pre-populate domain name

When you lunch web interface you find that domain name needs to be typed . This can be pre populated.
To make changes , right click on website and select Authentication methods
Select the properties of  method to make changes
Select settings under Authentication Type

Here you select as pre populated and add the domain name.
When you lunch WI next time you will find domain name there

XenApp 6: “Disable Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration” and “Set up Windows Internet Explorer 8 Wizard” for Windows Server 2008

When you publish IE on XenApp 6.0 on Windows 2008 R2 these two will bother you a lot . To disable these feature
  • Go to Start and click on “Server Manager”
  • Click on “Configure IE ESC” located on the right-hand section of the window.
  • The Internet Enhanced Security Settings page will be displayed. Disable necessary options. IE ESC is now disabled
  • image
    Second setting which will bother you is

    To disable this
    Go to a GPO then pick computer or user then Policies (in Vista / 2008 and Windows 7) -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Internet Explorer

    XenApp6: "Unknown error occurred: error code 0x8200003e"

    I tried publishing new application on XenApp 6.0 on windows 2008 R2 and started giving error that configuration database is not available . I gave permission to citrix service under DeCOM for all the local DCOM user but still I was unable to make changes to XenApp Farm. 
    Finally I found Citrix IMA service was set to start with local service account . I set to start with Network account. I re-run the Citrix configuration database and was finally able to create and publish application in XenApp farm.

    Error: Some of your applications have not been reconnected

    Workspace control and pass through authentication have been enabled through Web Interface. The following error message appears after authenticating to Web Interface using pass through authentication:
    “Some of your resources have not been reconnected. If this message does not usually appear during your sessions, contact your system administrator.”

    1. Disable Workspace control.
      If disabling workspace control is not an option, proceed to step 2 below.

    2.  Enable Trust requests sent to the XML service on every server in the farm.
    Screen shot for XenApp 4.5 and 5.0:
    Screen shot for XenApp 6.0:

    1. When using XenApp 6.0, run the following command at the command prompt on the server:
      gpupdate /force

    How to pre-populate domain name on Desktop Director web page

    When you try to access desktop director web page , domain name needs to be typed every time.
    So in order to pre populate with the domain name open Logon.aspx from following location using  elevated command prompt
    And made changes at following location
    And then restart default IIS website

    You will be doing this all on server where you have installed desktop director and then final result will be something like this

    How to enable DesktopViewer for Citrix Webinterface and PNA site.

    Sometime desktop viewer is not available when it is launch via WebInterface . This can be made enabled via changing WebInterface.conf
    This file will exist under each of the site which is created under IIS
    Edit the file and remove the # and make it Off to ON

    NTFS permissions for Citrix Roaming Profiles on share folder hosting profiles

    Set these permissions on the root of a profile share to enable it for roaming profile storage. When Windows creates a new roaming profile it acts on behalf of the user, it “impersonates” that user. Therefore we must make sure that on the one hand each user may create new folders while on the other hand ensuring that each user may access only his own profile folder.
    These permissions apply both to traditional Windows roaming profiles as well as to the user store where Citrix Profile Management keeps its profiles.

    NTFS permissions:

    • Administrators: full control
    • SYSTEM: full control
    • Authenticated users: list folder/read data & create folders/append data, this folder only
    • Creator/Owner: full control, subfolders and files only
    Share permissions:
    • Everyone: change
    • Administrators: full control
    Enable these group policy settings for all computers where users log on with roaming profiles, namely physical and virtual client PCs and terminal servers.
    • Do not check for user ownership of Roaming Profile Folders
      in Computer Configuration \ Administrative Templates \ System \ User Profiles
      Disabling this check speeds up logons slightly and may greatly reduce profile problems.
    • Add the Administrators security group to roaming user profiles
      in Computer Configuration \ Administrative Templates \ System \ User Profiles
      When a new roaming profile directory is created, Windows disables permission inheritance and grants SYSTEM and the profile’s user account full control. That makes user profiles inaccessible to administrators which prevents them from performing maintenance. If this policy setting is enabled the group “Administrators” is given full control on new profile folders, tool.
      Note that this applies to new profiles only. Profiles created before this policy settings was in place lack the entry for “Administrators”.

    delete issued citrix user/device license using command line

    Step 1: to get the list of License run the command by going to the folder of  LS

    C:\Program Files\Citrix\Licensing\LS>udadmin.exe -list

    Step 2: run the below commands to release the licenses

    to delete device licenses

    for /f "tokens=1,2" %i in ('udadmin -list ^| find /i "_ud"') do @udadmin -f %j -device %i -delete

    To delete user licenses

    for /f "tokens=1,2" %i in ('udadmin -list ^| find /i "_ud"') do @udadmin -f %j -user %i -delete

    Wednesday, 30 October 2013

    citrix faq

    1. Why is ICA that much faster than RDP ? What is the technological differences between the two?
    2. How to recover when Datastore failing?
    3. What is the requirement of Installation Manager and wht kind of extension its support
    4. What is ICA and what are the advantage of ICA
    5. How to recover when IMA failing?
    6. What is the difference between 2k & 2k3 terminal server licensing?
    7. What are the difference between Win2K and 2K3 Terminal server
    8. What you will check when any user is not able to launch Citrix application?
    9. What are different load evaluators are available in Citrix?
    10. How to implement Policies in Citrix
    11. What is Citrix secure / access gateway and how its work?
    12. What are the console available to manage Citrix server?
    13. What are the different ports use in Citrix
    14. What is Data store
    15. What is Data collector
    16. What is LHC
    17. scneraio: during installation of citrix presentation server u have enables shadowing,
    but now u want to disable shadowing. how you will do this ?
    18. Can we install citrix in DC
    19. Wht is DSmaint tool
    20. What is applicaiton streaming
    21. How to migrate data Store from MS Access to SQL
    22. What is IMA subsystem ?
    23. What are the lister ports.
    24. What are the states of ICA sessoin.
    25. What are load eveluators.
    26. Which databse is used for citrix
    27. list the citrix services.
    28. What is farm.
    29  What are virtual chanels.
    30. What is command to change XML port no.
    31. What is resource manager.
    32. What is IM
    33. What is Licence auto activation
    34. ICA, IMA
    35. What are protocols used by citrix.( ICA, RDP, TCP)
    36. Which command show current no of printer pipes
    37. Which command is used to obtain information about LHC, concerning the zone names
    38. Which command is used to view data collector information about zone
    39. What is use of TWconfig command ?
    40. Which is command used to change ICA port no .
    41. What is use of DScheck command ?
    42. What is use of chfarm command ?
    43. What is ICA browsing ?
    44. which command will display server load informarion
    45. which file is used to define printer mapping manually on specific server
    46.) can the administration activites on server logged, for exaple if u r deleting some group/user access from any application
    47) How to redirect users to difrent server.
    48) How do u manage XML server on web interface server ?
    49)How to restore the data source to the new server?
    50)What is "Citrix Startup License" in Citrix presentation server license management console?

    Virtual Disk Does Not Cache to Local Hard Disk

    When using Provisioning Services with a Windows XP image, despite setting the vDisk to cache to local hard disk, it continues to cache to server.

    This issue could be because of the type of disk used on the image. To use a local disk cache on a virtual machine, it must have the storage attached, available, formatted as NTFS, and must be a basic disk.
    Ensure that the vDisk is in basic mode and formatted as NTFS.

    When the disk is in basic mode and formatted as NTFS, it can cache correctly.

    Citrix XenDesktop FlowChart for login process

    1.     The user device submits credentials to the Web Interface site.
    2.     Web Interface passes the user credentials to the controller.
    3.     Controller verifies user authorization by performing a Microsoft Active Directory query with the end user’s credentials.
    4.     Controller queries the site database for the end user’s assigned desktop groups, named instance uses ports 1434 and 1433.
    5.     Using the desktop group obtained from the database, controller queries the hypervisor about the status of desktops within that group.
    6.     Controller identifies to Web Interface the desktop it assigned for this particular session.
    7.     Web Interface sends an ICA file to the online plug-in, which points to the virtual desktop identified by the hypervisor.
    8.     Online plug-in establishes an ICA connection to the specific virtual desktop that was allocated by the controller for this session.
    9.     Virtual Desktop Agent verifies the license file with the controller.
    10.   Controller queries Citrix license server to verify that the end user has a valid ticket.
    11.   Controller passes session policies to the Virtual Desktop Agent (VDA), which then applies those policies to the virtual desktop.
    12.   Online plug-in displays the virtual desktop to the end user.
    13.   Administrator and helpdesk personnel use Desktop Director and Studio tools to manage the desktops from the management server

    Differences B/W Citrix XenDesktop 4 & XenDesktop 5

    Below are some of the differences between Two Versions

    1) There is no IMA service which means there is no IMA datastore or Localhost cache
    2) There is no support for oracle and access
    3) There is no Activity directory configuration wizard or Farm OU
    4) Terminal services is not required for XenDesktop 5 as it stores in database
    5) Installation wizard is simple in XD5 
    6) XenDesktop supports only windows 2008, R2 , exit of windows 2003
    7) There is no farm concept replaced by sites and group's
    8) Idle pool settings is replaced by Desktop Group/Power Mangement