Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Remove Citrix XenApp Graphics from Web Interface

In some situations you might want to remove the Citrix XenApp graphics shown on the Web Interface.
Start a command prompt as administrator.
Create a copy of the existing file c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\XenApp\app_data\include\
Then edit the file c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\XenApp\app_data\include\
Find the entry #horizonTop img {  and insert the text Display: none;  as shown here:
Graphics is now gone:

Remove Citrix and HDX logo from footer on Web Interface

In some situations you might want to remove the Citrix and HDX logo in the footer of the Web Interface.
Start a Command Prompt as administrator.
Create a copy of the existing file c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\XenApp\app_data\include\
Then edit the file c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\XenApp\app_data\include\
Find the entry #footer img and insert the text Display: none;  as shown here:
The Citrix logo is now gone:
Find the entry .horizonPage #hdxLogo { and change the existing text display: inline: to the text Display: none;  as shown here:
The Citrix and HDX logo are now gone:

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Migrating Existing Access database to SQL Database

In a situation it may require to migrate the existing MS Access or MSDE database to SQL database if number or XenApp users or XenApp servers increase time by time. Here is a step-by-step document about how to do that.

The steps are as below.

  • Step-1Backup the existing Access database
  • Step-2: Create a blank database in SQL server.
  • Step-3: Create a Data Source Name (DSN) file on the XenApp server hosting the Access data store.
  • Step-4: Migrate the new data store (use DSMAINT MIGRATE command)
  • Step-5: Configure the XenApp server to communicate with the new data store (use DSMAINT CONFIG command).
Note: SQL server must use static port 1433. If firewall is running on the SQL server, please put that port in exception list.

Step-1: Backup the existing Access database

  1. Open Command Prompt and run the following command. This command will backup themf20.mdb database file to local C:\ drive.

     TIPS: To RESTORE the database steps are followed:

    (i) Open Command Prompt 
    and execute the following command to stop the Citrix Independent Management Architecture Service:
    Net Stop IMAService 
    (ii) Run the following command to restore the backed-up database.
    DSMAINT RECOVER C:\mf20.mdb

    (iii) Start the Citrix Independent Management Architecture service.

    Net Start IMAService

    Caution: The dsmaint recover command removes the existing Mf20.mdb file from the server. Therefore, do not try to recover the data store with this command without first verifying that the Mf20.bak file exists. If the Mf20.bak file does not exist, run dsmaint backup prior to recovering the data store. If MF20.mdb file does not exist in the "C:\Program Files\Citrix\Independent Management Architecture" folder, you will get the following error at the time of recovery.
Step-2Create a blank database in the SQL server
Here I have created the blank database in the SQL server called Xen5_Farm_DB.

Step-3: Create a Data Source Name (DSN) file on the XenApp server hosting the Access data store.
  1. Go to Start--> Run. Enter ODBCAD32 and click OK.
    Go to Start --> Administrative Tools --> Data Source (ODBC)

  2. Change the Look In path the "C:\Program Files\Citrix\Independent Management Architecture".  The new DSN file must be placed in this folder as IMA service is programmed to look in only this folder.

  3. Click on the Add button and select SQL Server. Click on Next.

  4. Click on the Browse button, go to the location "C:\Program Files\Citrix\Independent Management Architecture" and save the file. You can provide any file name. Here I have saved the DSN file as Xen5_Farm_MF20.dsn. Click Next.

  5. Click on Finish.

  6. Enter the description and select the Database server. Here my SQL database server name is CITRIX.

  7. Select the authentication method. Here I am using SQL server authentication. Click onNext.

  8. Change the default database to filed to Xen5_Farm_DB.

  9. Click Finish.

  10. Click on Test Data Source button. It should show "TEST COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY"Click OK twice.

  11. The new DSN file Xen5_Farm_MF20.dsn will be shown in the ODBC console. Click OK.
Step-4: Migrate the new data store
  1. Open Command Prompt and execute the following command:

    DSMAINT MIGRATE /SRCDSN:"C:\Program Files\Citrix\Independent Management Architecture\MF20.dsn" /SRCUSER:citrix /SRCPWD:citrix /DSTDSN:"C:\Program Files\Citrix\Independent Management Architecture\Xen5_Farm_MF20.dsn" /DSTUSER:test\administrator /DSTPWD:p@ssw0rd

    /SRCDSN --> is the Access Database dsn file (MF20.dsn) that was created when the Farm was created.
    /SRCUSER --> the default source user is citrix
    /SRCPWD --> the default source password is citrix
    /DSTDSN --> is the new DSN file
    /DSTUSER --> is the domain user which is used to log into the SQL database server
    /DSTPWD --> is the domain user password

  2. Click Yes.

  3. Click Yes.

  4. Once the migration process completes successfully you will get the following message.
Step-5: Configure the XenApp server to communicate with the new data store.
  1. Open Command Prompt and execute the following command:

    Net Stop IMAService

  2. Execute the following command:

    DSMAINT CONFIG /USER:test\administrator /PWD:p@ssw0rd /DSN:"C:\Program Files\Citrix\Independent Management Architecture\Xen5_Farm_MF20.dsn"

  3. On successful running of the command you will get the following output:

  4. Execute the following command to start the IMA service.

    Net Start IMAService

Configuring XML to Use a Different Port in XenApp 6

Following step-by-step procedures decribe how to configure Citrix XML Service port to use a different port in XenApp 6. Here I will change the XML service port to 8080, which is recommended by Citrix to be used as XML port.

  1. Stop the Citrix XML Service. To do so, you can manually stop the service or go to Command Prompt and execute the following command:

    net stop CTXHTTP
  2. Now you have to unregister the XML service. To do so, execute the following command:

    ctxxmlss /u

  3. To confirm this go to Services console and you will not be able to view the service calledCitrix XML Service.

  4. Now execute the following command to register the XML service to port 8080.

  5. To confirm the change, open Services console and there you will see the service called Citrix XML Service. The service will be in Stopped state.

  6. To start the Citrix XML Service execute the following command:

    net start CTXHTTP
  7. Restart IIS by the following command:


  8. Open Citrix Delivery Services Console, and expand the Farm that contains the server. Select Policies node, and click the Computer tab. Select the policy named Unfilteredand then click on Edit button.

  9. Click on Next.

  10. Select XML Service and then click on Add button of XML Service Port.

  11. Enter the port 8080 in the Value text box and click OK.

  12. Click on Save.

  13. Execute the following command to update the policy.


  14. Open Citrix --> Management Consoles --> Citrix Web Interface Management.
  15. Select XenApp Web Sites and then right click on the Site URL. Select Server Farms.

  16. Click on Edit.

  17. Change the XML Service port to 8080 and then click OK.

  18. Perform the same steps for XenApp Services Sites and change to port of the URL to8080.

  19. Execute the command iisreset to restart the IIS service.