Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Deploying Acrobat Reader X (Version 10) using Citrix Installation Manager

Using Installation Manager you can deploy Acrobat Reader X to all of your Citrix servers using the following procedures.
  1. Dowonlaod full standalole package of Acrobat Reader X (Version 10) from HERE.
  2. Download Adobe Customization Wizard X from HERE.
  3. Install Adobe Customization Wizard X on the server - accecpt all defaults.
  4. Extract the Acrobat Reader X exe using the following command:

    AdbeRdr1000_en_US -nos_ne

  5. Wait for the window that pops up to do its work.
  6. Once extraction is complete, go to the following path to check the extracted folder. You will get the folder Adobe. The Acroread.msi file can be found inside that folder.

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data

  7. Now open Adobe Customization Wizard X.
  8. Click on File --> Open and open the AcroRead.msi file.
  9. Go to EULA and click on Suppress Display of End User License Agreement (EULA).

  10. Click on Online and Acrobat.com Features and select Disable all updates and Disable all Acrobat.com access, including initiation and participation check boxes.

  11. Save the package from File --> Save Package.

  12. It will create two extra files in the same folder of AcroRead.msi. These two files are:


  13. Copy all the files inside that folder. Create a shared folder and paste there.

  14. Now open Citrix XenApp Advanced Configuration. Go to Installation Manager --> Packages. Right click on it and select Add Package.

  15. Select AcroRead.msi from the shared path by clicking on the Browse button and then enter the Package Name. click OK.

  16. Click No.

  17. Click OK on the confirmation message.
  18. Right click on the package name you have created and then click on Install Package.

  19. Add the server(s) on which you want to deploy that package and then click on Next.
  20. Click Finish to deploy the package immediately.

  21. On successful deployment you will get the status as Success in the Citrix Access Management Console.

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